Sunday 6 July 2014


2 kiwis
2 oranges
6 / 8 oranges to squeeze
2 apples
2 peaches
2 bananas

2 pears
1 pineapple
1 yogurt without sugar or liquid yogurt (optional)

The type and quantity of fruits used can change according seasonal avaibility in the area. Also you can use a mixture of canned fruits – like pineapple – and fresh ones. Fruit should not be in any case too much ripe.
Squeeze the oranges to take the juice. Pour in a large salad bowl. Peel and cut into small blocks the kiwis, pears, apples, pineapple and peaches. We incorporate to the salad bowl.
Peel the two oranges and then slice into portions easy to carry in our mouths. We slice the bananas. Mix well with care and do not add any sugar (fruit has fructose which is the proper and natural sweetener). If you are not going to eat the salad immediately is advisable to mix the juice with two tablespoons of yogurt to slow oxidation and the consequent lost of vitamines.

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